The Server Hosting Network 1636 servers running.
47821636 players online

Player activity

Based on the players online at different times during the day, you should be able to see when a server is most or least active to plan your favorite time to play.

Thu 12pmThu 5pmThu 9pmFri 1amFri 5amFri 9am0

Server latency

Based on the players online at different times during the day, you should be able to see when a server is most or least active to plan your favorite time to play.

Thu 12pmThu 5pmThu 9pmFri 1amFri 5amFri 9am0ms

Server location

A server physically close to you will feel more responsive with less network latency and lag. We detected that this server is hosted in or around United States.

Live server status banner

Promote your server on Minecraft forums or show your server's status and player count by embedding this banner into your website or forum signature. It's updated automatically!

HTML code for websites

<a href="/servers/" title=" Minecraft server"><img src="/servers/" alt=" Minecraft server" width="600" height="100" /></a>

BBCode for forums


We last checked this server 14 minutes ago.

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